Sunday, April 27, 2008

Play Your Didgeridoo, Blue, to Reduce Obstructive Sleep Apnea

According a study published in the British Medical Journal, regular didgeridoo playing can reduce the negative effects of obstructive sleep apnea. In the study, half of a group of patients who complained of snoring and had apnea-hypopnea indices of 15-30 (a shortcut method for a rough diagnosis of sleep apnea) practiced the didgeridoo an average of 25.3 minutes a day, 5.9 days a week for four months. As a result, the people who practiced the didgeridoo had significantly decreased daytime sleepiness and reduced apnea-hypopnea indices. In addition, their sleep partners reported that they had significantly less sleep disturbances.

Researchers believe that the improvement was due to the training of the upper airways which made their airways less susceptible to collapse during sleep.

This study shows one example of the wide range of behavioral therapy options available for sleep apnea treatment. Although it may not be the only answer, for many people with sleep apnea, behavioral therapy can be a big help and lead not only to reduced apnea, but increased overall quality of life.

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition, made even more dangerous by underdiagnosis. If you snore or have any symptoms of sleep apnea, please contact the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Center today for a free initial sleep apnea consultation.