Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleep Better with PureSleep

A new anti-snoring device has received the FDA's seal of approval and is providing countless Americans with more restful nights of sleep without constantly waking up throughout the night. PureSleep is the latest FDA-approved dental device designed to reduce (or eliminate altogether) snoring.

Invented in 1995, this device, which requires no prescription, can be used in adults over age 18 who have been:

-Diagnosed with sleep apnea
-Diagnosed with a respiratory disorder
-have loose teeth
-Have oral abscesses
-Have gingivitis
-Have Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
-Have full dentures

Sleep apnea is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition in which the person stops breathing repeatedly while he sleeps. Sleep apenaics may stop breathing several hundred times a night. This condition can lead to high blood pressure, depression, and a host of other serious conditions.

The PureSleep dental device is a 'boil and bite' mouthpiece very similar to the type athletes wear. It reduces or eliminates snoring by holding your lower jaw slightly forward of its normal position. This widens the airway so air isn't forced through such a narrow opening. PureSleep, by opening your airway, eliminates the vibrations we call snoring and allows you a much better night's sleep.

If you suffer from sleep apnea and/or a chronic snorer, please contact the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Center in Gurnee, Illinois today.