Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can Carbon Dioxide help treat central and mixed sleep apnea? Should CO2 be added to CPAP Flow to Treat Central Sleep Apnea & Cheyne-Stokes Breathing?

Patients with central and mixed sleep apnea are different than obstructive sleep apnea patients. There has been work done with increased dead space in CPAP units and addition or carbon dioxide to treat central sleep apnea and Cheye-Stokes breathing. It is actually a build-up in CO2 that cause awakening and breathing in all apnea patients.

If Carbon Dioxide can be judiciously supplied to these patients it could solve the problems of central sleep apnea and emerging central apnea in patients treated with CPAP or Oral Appliances.

It may also explain why appliances like the TAP that limit opening seem more effective in some patients than Herbsts, Suad,, or Somnomed appliances. Appliances that allow easier oral opening and breating are more likely to have decreased CO2 levels.

Remember, it is the rise in CO2 (carbon dioxide) that turns on the drive to breathe.