Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Body Language Says a Lot when it comes to Sleep Apnea

With the presidential debates in the national spotlight over the past few weeks, much has been made of body language. Although we primarily consider physical cues and what they convey in a waking state, certain body language indicators are also useful in the diagnosis of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

In fact, many individuals with OSA are unaware they are suffering from a dangerous sleep disorder until a partner recognizes physical symptoms of sleep apnea and encourages them to seek assessment from a qualified sleep dentist or other medical professional who specializes in sleep disorders. While it’s important to note that physical indicators are not the only signs of sleep apnea, they are often the starting point that spurs diagnosis and treatment.

Loud, chronic snoring is the most common symptom of sleep apnea. Snoring alone, however, does not mean a person has OSA; in those with sleep apnea, snoring is accompanied by other physical symptoms that may include:

  • Frequent tossing and turning during sleep
  • Mouth breathing during sleep
  • Waking up choking or gasping

In addition to these bodily signs, people who suffer from OSA also tend to experience:

  • Morning headaches
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Difficulty focusing on tasks
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

If you or your partner snores regularly or demonstrates other symptoms of sleep apnea, please contact IHateCPAP.com to learn more about sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment and to locate a qualified sleep dentist near you.
