Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hold Your Position, Stop Sleep Apnea

The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that patients who undergo positional sleep therapy often enjoy the same relief from apnea symptoms as patients who use a CPAP device. The study in the Journal specifically addressed the efficacy of the FDA-cleared Zzoma sleep apnea device.

By wearing Zzoma on the upper body during sleep, patients are prevented from lying on their backs. The airway is often more open when sleeping on your side, which can reduce snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. Some patients only experience interruptions to breathing when they sleep in a particular position.

If your sleep apnea is positional, there are multiple options for keeping your body in the optimal position. Specially designed devices like Zzoma are available, as well as home care solutions.

Positional therapy options for sleep apnea might include:
  • Propping yourself up with extra pillows
  • Attaching a tennis ball or other object to the back of your pajama top to keep from rolling over
  • A vibro-tactile device that alerts your body to change positions if you lie on your back
Generally, positional therapy is most effective for mild instances of sleep apnea. More severe cases might require a combination of treatments along with altering your sleep habits and making other lifestyle changes.

For more information about sleep apnea devices and other treatment options, please call a sleep specialist in your area at 1 (866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK) today.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Heart Failure Patients With Sleep Apnea Face Higher Risk of Death

By itself, heart failure is an extremely serious health event. However, when taken in tandem with a sleep apnea diagnosis, the need to make positive changes becomes impossible to ignore.

A recent study found that more than 75% of patients hospitalized for heart failure are also diagnosed with sleep apnea. The presence of sleep-disordered breathing in someone who suffered heart failure was also discovered to be a strong indicator of hospital readmission and even a predictor of death within three years of the cardiac event.

The potential signs of heart failure include:

·         Breathlessness
·         Fatigue
·         Arrhythmia
·         Swelling in the lower limbs
·         Nausea and loss of appetite
·         Cough accompanied by white or pink mucous
·         Disorientation
·         Heart palpitations

Patients who are hospitalized for heart failure should undergo a screening for sleep apnea. Within six months to one year, the survival rate among patients who undergo appropriate sleep apnea treatment is roughly equivalent to the recovery rate of a patient who suffers heart failure and does not have a sleep disorder.

Living a heart-healthy lifestyle is critical to prevent loss of function and failure of the organ. Smart choices like losing weight, getting exercise, and not smoking can also diminish the impact of sleep apnea by reducing the likelihood of the airway becoming constricted.

If you believe your health is at risk due to sleep apnea, please call a local sleep specialist at 1 (866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK) today. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Snoring Treatment Critical to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

According to a recent estimate by the National Healthy Sleep Awareness Project, more than 25 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. OSA is accompanied by a myriad of health problems, including a significantly higher likelihood of death from heart disease.

Snoring is more than just a nuisance – it is an indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. People with OSA are five times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease, so it's essential for patients to find effective snoring treatment before poor quality sleep starts taking a toll on the health of the heart and other parts of the body.

Interruptions to breathing during sleep put a strain on the heart and could lead to high blood pressure as well as an increased risk of heart disease and other complications such as:
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Irregular heartbeat
Approximately 30% to 40% of adults who suffer from hypertension also have sleep apnea. Among patients with heart disease that doesn't respond to medication, the incidence grows to 80%.
Treatment options are available for snoring and sleep apnea as well as high blood pressure. Patients can also make healthy lifestyle adjustments for improved well-being: Losing excess weight can lower the risk of both OSA and hypertension, for example.
For more information about snoring treatments in your area, please call 1 (866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK) today to speak with a local sleep specialist.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Assessing Your Sleep Quality

Sleeping well isn't just about the number of hours you get per night. More and more research shows that the quality of rest is highly subjective and interruptions from environmental sources, health disorders like sleep apnea, and simply not making bedtime a priority can all be problematic for overall health.

The National Sleep Foundation recently released revised guidelines on the recommended amount of sleep for different age groups. The adult population was broken into three categories: young adults, adults age 26-64, and older adults. All three groups are advised to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night.

Environment and behavior can function as “sleep stealers” for any age group, but the foundation report also stressed the need to seek help for sleep interruptions stemming from potential medical issues. The foundation cited some common symptoms of apnea and other sleep disorders as reasons to visit a doctor, including: 

·         Insomnia
·         Snoring
·         Breathing problems
·         Lack of alertness or focus while awake
·         Chronic discomfort, cramping, or tingling of the legs

Sleep is critical to our mental and physical well-being, so not getting enough of it or consistently feeling like you're not well-rested should be treated as a serious health matter. If you're sick of being tired, the first step is to be honest with yourself about your lack of sleep and speak to a professional who can help you identify solutions.

Are you concerned about sleep apnea or other sleep disorders? Please call 1 (866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK) today to speak with a local specialist.