Sleeping well isn't just about the number of hours you get
per night. More and more research shows that the quality of rest is highly
subjective and interruptions from environmental sources, health disorders like sleep apnea, and
simply not making bedtime a priority can all be problematic for overall health.
The National Sleep Foundation recently released revised
guidelines on the recommended amount of sleep for different age groups. The
adult population was broken into three categories: young adults, adults age
26-64, and older adults. All three groups are advised to get a minimum of seven
hours of sleep a night.
Environment and behavior can function as “sleep stealers”
for any age group, but the foundation report also stressed the need to seek
help for sleep interruptions stemming from potential medical issues. The
foundation cited some common symptoms of apnea and other sleep disorders as
reasons to visit a doctor, including:
Breathing problems
Lack of alertness or focus while awake
Chronic discomfort, cramping, or tingling of the
Sleep is critical to our mental and physical well-being, so
not getting enough of it or consistently feeling like you're not well-rested should
be treated as a serious health matter. If you're sick of being tired, the first
step is to be honest with yourself about your lack of sleep and speak to a
professional who can help you identify solutions.
Are you concerned about sleep apnea or other sleep
disorders? Please call 1 (866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK) today
to speak with a local specialist.