By itself, heart failure is an extremely serious health
event. However, when taken in tandem with a sleep apnea diagnosis, the need to
make positive changes becomes impossible to ignore.
A recent study found that more than 75% of patients
hospitalized for heart failure are also diagnosed with sleep apnea. The
presence of sleep-disordered breathing in someone who suffered heart failure was
also discovered to be a strong indicator of hospital readmission and even a predictor
of death within three years of the cardiac event.
The potential signs of heart failure include:
Swelling in the lower limbs
Nausea and loss of appetite
Cough accompanied by white or pink mucous
Heart palpitations
Patients who are hospitalized for heart failure should
undergo a screening for sleep apnea. Within six months to one year, the
survival rate among patients who undergo appropriate sleep apnea treatment is
roughly equivalent to the recovery rate of a patient who suffers heart failure
and does not have a sleep disorder.
Living a heart-healthy lifestyle is critical to prevent loss
of function and failure of the organ. Smart choices like losing weight, getting
exercise, and not smoking can also diminish the impact of sleep apnea by reducing
the likelihood of the airway becoming constricted.
If you believe your health is at risk due to sleep apnea,
please call a local sleep specialist at 1
(866) 727-6275 (1-8-NO-PAP-MASK)